✅Work with any version of Lexia 3 Run on WMWARE Virtual!✅
✅Works only on Windows 64BIT!! Interface language: Multilingual✅
✅Install On Multiple Computers Unlimited✅
‼️‼️‼️‼️First Make sure your PC can run on VMWARE
‼️‼️‼️‼️Go to Bios settings and check Virtualization CPU Must be Enable
Install VMWARE before you buy!
✅Easy and fast to run
✅Any problem install Full support from me by remote desktop!
✅Reading, displaying descriptions and deleting error code blocks from memory.
✅Identification of all electronic components of the vehicle and reading information from them.
✅Autodetection of the used data bus (KLine, CAN).
✅Formation and printing of a summary report on the general condition of the vehicle.
✅Activation of executive mechanisms.
✅Display data in real time in the form of graphs.
✅Adaptation of blocks.
✅Coding, prescription of remote keys.
✅Reset service intervals.
✅Rollback to factory settings and many other operations.
✅You need a Lexia-3 adapter to work with this software.✅